How to do Skin Brightening Facial at Home

Today, I will show you how to do a skin brightening facial at home. In these stressful jobs we live in, we don’t have time to take care of our skin and undertake skin brightening facials at home. Due to this lack of time, we do not get time to spend personal time doing skin whitening at home or in facial beauty shops. We don’t need to worry about it anymore, we can see how to construct a skin brightening facial with the things we have at home. We are going to make this skin-brightening facial procedure with largely home products. Now let’s explore what things are required for that skin lightening facial at home treatment and how to execute it.

Skin Brightening Facial at Home Step 1: Cleansing method

  1. Raw milk – 2 tbsp
  2. Rose water – 2 tbsp

Add both of the components to the mixture as directed above. Before using this cleansing mask, wash your face with a fresh, regular face wash. Then, clean your face from bottom to top all over the face with a cotton ball dipped in it. Sweat and oil from the face are effectively removed from the pores on the face by doing this. Rose water and raw milk have a very light texture when applied to the face and make your face feel fresh.

In the sweltering summer months, this mixture leaves your face feeling incredibly cool. Thus, thoroughly cleanse your face prior to applying the face pack.

Read more: How to Make Permanent Skin Whitening Cream Without Side Effects

Skin Brightening Facial at Home  Step 2: How to make a Facial Pack

  1. Wheat Flour – 4-5 tbsp
  2. Raw milk – 2 tbsp
  3. Rose water – 2 tbsp

Please take the necessary ingredients according to your preference, as we need to apply the pack on the face and neck area. Combine all of these in the necessary amounts and stir thoroughly. Using a brush, apply this face pack on your face working your way up. Because it contains wheat, this face pack is a little thick and patchy. It is so gentle that it may be used on children, as well as on this skin brightening facial at home. To apply this back, you can even go under the eye’s proximity.

Apply a thick coating of this face pack in two layers to your face and neck area. Facial hair is also weakened and removed by it. Apply rose water to your face after 15 minutes to hydrate. Rose water can also be used simply by adding it to a spray bottle and lightly spraying your face with it, or by spreading it by hand. Both a horizontal and vertical sweep should be applied. By doing this, the face becomes brighter, and the dead skin cells are removed.

Use only twice a week with this skin brightening facial at home. Perhaps if you use the next skin brightening facial at home on Friday and take this one on Monday. We require a tiny space for our skin to breathe, so don’t do facials daily. We must allow that skin to breathe. What is a product made of herbs? We shouldn’t utilize it every day and nonstop. It’s enough to do this twice a week.

Skin Brightening Facial at Home Step 3: How to make Night Cream

  1. Rice – 2 tbsp
  2. Green gram – 2 tbsp
  3.  Cardamom – 3

To make this skin brightening facial at home take as much rice and green gram as you want and wash thoroughly. Then soak it in good water overnight or for 3 to 4 hours. Take this soaking rice and green gram and grind it well. You don’t need to add any extra water; you may take it with the present water. Filter this crushed mixture well. After straining like this, you may use the remaining extracted extract as a scrubber or a face pack, don’t waste it.

Even people with sensitive skin can use it generously. Take the strained mixture into a pan and boil it on low flame. Then add three cardamoms to it. While mixing on a low flame, the mixture will become slightly lumpy, so keep stirring it continuously. Now you have to stop boiling and maintain stirring well for around five minutes. Boil it for two to three minutes at most, not more than that. The more we stir it, the more we will get a nice creamy consistency.

Then chill it down and store it covered in an airtight container. You can keep it in the skin brightening facial at home refrigerator for six days and at room temperature for two days. You can also include aloe vera in this; it is very good. It is optional; you can add it if you want, or you can omit it.

cardamom uses:-

The cardamom we have added to this gives a nice fragrance to this night cream. The fragrance of this cardamom remains even after four to five days, and it helps reduce dark spots.

Wheat Flour:-

This wheat provides numerous benefits when you take intake or outtake. When we take whole wheat bran, the antioxidants in it are completely absorbed, protecting the skin from wrinkles and fine lines. Wheat includes a lot of fiber, and we use it frequently to drain out any toxins in our skin and avoid acne, pimples and blackheads.

It also aids in the treatment of hair problems such as hair loss caused by a lack of energy in the body and aging, as well as the prevention of problems such as loss of hair density and irritation. It also helps to maintain the hair shining and smoothing. Prevents numerous ailments in the body, including thyroid, constipation, renal difficulties, anemia, bone allergies, bad breath, diabetes, blood pressure, and so on.

Read more:How to Get Permanent Skin Whitening with Beetroot

How to apply :

Wash your hands and face well before using it. Take this night cream with a spoon; do not pick it up with your hands. Just take whatever amount of cream you take daily. Then rub it well with both hands gently. By doing this, the heat in the palms will bring the cream to a beautiful, nice, creamy consistency. Then you can apply it to your face and rub it until it becomes well dissolved and absorbed.

This green gram and rice have great benefits for the face, like vitamin A and vitamin C, which remove dead skin cells and brighten the face. You can use it on hands, feet and other body parts as well. This night cream dries out on the face as a small white patch because it has rice in it which makes it look that way.

For people with very extreme dry skin who feel that the dry skin will not go away no matter what they do, you can add almond oil or any other oil. If there is no almond oil, you can add olive oil, no other oil is needed. Leave it on overnight, wake up in the morning, and wash your face with cold water as usual.


In this way, you can brighten our skin by making simple home remedies using the ingredients available in my kitchen. It is very simple and easy to do, and it works very well with no side effects. So we can make these types of night creams and day creams at home, and it will not give us any harmful effects. Some of us are allergic to any kind of screen product. We are afraid to use such skin products. If so, you can prepare these types of creams at home and use them in a safe manner. No matter how we prepare it in a creamy consistency, it will be a bit thick after cooling.

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