How to Heal Cracked Heels Permanently with Home Remedies

What are we going to look at today is how to heal cracked heels permanently with home remedies. In this post, we can clearly see how to heal our cracked heels permanently. The cause of our cracked heels and its treatment, how it develops and how to prevent it, all this can be seen in this post. Appropriately, in this post we will also check the home remedy that can heal cracked heels permanently.

Causes of cracked heels:-

An important reason for this cracked heels is our body heat. Due to the high heat of our body and due to the excess of bile in our body, there will be eruptions in various light parts of our body. This bile can also be caused by problems such as not sleeping for a long time at night or avoiding sleep at night. A lack of proper eating habits can also cause you to develop cracked heels.

As well as dirt and various dust that don’t properly care for the foot, you still have the chance of this kind of cracked heels. Bile is high in your body and you are more prone to breakouts on sensitive areas like lips and between fingers and on the soles of the feet and heels. If any of your forefathers have been in this kind of cracked heels, chances are you will too.

Next, the reason for these cracked heels is that your body is not very hydrated, meaning that you are not drinking enough water and your body is very dehydrated. You are also likely to get these cracked heels from working with a lot of standing. There are many reasons why you might get cracked heels.

Prevention and heal cracked heels permanently:-

Reduce your body temperature first to prevent and heal cracked heel permanently. You should also take care not to store too much bile in your body to heal cracked heels permanently. Apply sesame oil to your scalp at least once a week to reduce body heat. In ancient times, we used to bathe our body with sesame oil from head to toe, it will cool your body and give you a nice cooling sensation and also heal cracked heels permanently.

Bathe your scalp daily or at least four times a week. Taking a head bath is essential to flush bile from your body due to various causes. Bile accumulates in your body every night when we sleep, you can remove that bile in the morning by taking a shower. Bile accumulates in your body every night when we sleep, you can remove that bile in the morning by taking a shower to heal cracked heels permanently.

Bathing like this will reduce the bile and cool your body down a bit it’ll heal cracked heel permanently. We also need to control the food we eat to heal cracked heels permanently. Avoid eating too much fast food and fried foods as these can also cause you to develop cracked heels. Henna is a cooling agent. Our ancestors didn’t just use it for beauty, it can also cool your body. You can also reduce colds by applying henna to the head as applied to the hands to heal cracked heels permanently.

Always keep your feet clean to heal cracked heels permanently. And then use sandals wherever you go. Also always use moisturizer on your feet, if not try coconut oil or olive oil on your feet to heal cracked heels permanently. This prevents dirt from getting on your feet and keeps your feet soft.

Treatment to heal cracked heel permanently:-

Perhaps if you have severe breakouts, consider a pedicure procedure first. Because when you get a pedicure they clean your feet first. You can do that pedicure process at home if you know. If it is too much then try some home remedy which I will give below.

Also you should consult a dermatologist who will look at the severity of the foot eruption and give you some creams and medicine as appropriate. If not, if you have minimal cracked heels, you can treat them at home with the following home remedies, coconut oil, moisturizer, etc.

Home remedy 1 to heal cracked heel permanently:-

Necessary ingredients to heal cracked heel permanently:-

  1. Rock salt
  2. Turmeric
  3. Coconut oil
  4. Lemon

How to make:-

We can call this method as homemade pedicure. Because this is the way to clean your feet. Take warm water i.e. Warm water as warm as your feet can tolerate. Add one tablespoon of turmeric and lemon juice to the warm water we have and add the required amount of rock salt. Mix all these well. Then leave your feet in this water for 15 minutes. Now your feet will be well soaked.

Then gently scrub your feet with the scrubber on the affected areas. Then after cleaning both your feet well, wash your feet with good water and keep them clean. Rub the coconut oil you have on your inner hand and apply it well all over your feet. Acts as a natural moisturizer for you and keeps your feet hydrated. Do this at least twice a week and it will help heal cracked heels permanently.

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Home remedy 2 to heal cracked heel permanently:-

Necessary ingredients to heal cracked heel permanently:-

  1. Vaseline
  2. Coconut Oil
  3. Olive Oil
  4. lemon Juice

How to make:-

You can use this home remedy anytime after cleaning your feet. Take two tablespoons of Vaseline. The take a tablespoon of coconut oil with equal amounts of olive oil and lemon juice. Take a tablespoon of coconut oil with equal amounts of olive oil and lemon juice. Mix all these well and keep it in an airtight container. You can use this as many times a day as you like. Use often when you feel like your feet are dehydrated that will keep your feet soft and smooth.

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Home remedy 3 to heal cracked heel permanently:-

Necessary ingredients to heal cracked heel permanently:-

  1. Turmeric
  2. Castor Oil

How to make:-

You can take the required amount of castor oil in your hands. Add half a tablespoon of turmeric to it and mix well. After mixing, clean your feet thoroughly. Then wipe your feet well and apply this mix well all over your feet. These turmeric powders act as an excellent antibiotic for feet. This will keep your foot safe and save you from any kind of germs.

This castor oil will keep your heel moisturized. Thus you can heal cracked heels permanently  with these simple methods.

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