How to Lighten Dark Elbows & Knees Naturally at Home

Today we are going to see how to lighten dark elbows & knees naturally at home. Perfect from head to toe but not knowing how to lighten the darkness on your elbows and knees, we suffer in many ways. In this post, we will see how we can lighten the elbow and knees, neck, ankle with household items.

Causes and Remedies for lighten dark elbows & knees:-

This darkness is the most common one found on elbows and knees, ankles and neck areas. Because the skin in those areas is very thick. Without that, we will continue to overwork the skin in those areas. The resulting frictions are also likely to give you that extra darkness. Apart from that, we will use the arm rests more.

Placing it on the tables like where we use most of the friction. For some people this darkness is so intense that it can be limited by certain medical conditions. In some countries you’ll find blackness in areas like the neck, elbows, knees, ankles, as is true for the genes of some country people.

There is darkness that comes with a medical condition and you should not use too much Scrubbing. You can use cream instead and make sure it contains urea, lactic acid, glycolic acid, etc. When you start using creams it doesn’t give instant solution it will take you three to four months. You can reduce it a little by using home remedies to get rid of this darkness. Let’s see them below.

Read more: How to Make Ayurvedic Herbal Bath Powder for Glowing Skin

Remedy 1 for lighten dark elbows & knees:-

Necessary ingredients:-

  1. Red Lentil
  2. Baking Powder
  3. Tomato Juice
  4. Orange Skin

How to make:-

You can usually find this red lentils in most of your supermarkets. You can buy the red lentil and grind it into powder. Take all these in proper quantity as given above and mix well. Cut the tomato and take only two tablespoons of its juice inside. Take an orange and peel only the skin on it. Then grind the orange peel skin well. Before we apply this remedy on the skin we need to steam the skin with area of ​​darkness.

For that you put a towel in hot water or warm water and take it. Then squeeze it well and put it on dark areas like elbows, knees, neck and ankles and steam it. By doing this the pores in that place will open and the remedy you apply will help to have a good effect. After steaming, apply the remedy to the dark spots and give it a gentle massage.

After 10 to 15 minutes of seasoning, you can wash it off. By using this remedy regularly you can see a good result and you will also see your elbows lighten.

Remedy 2 for lighten dark elbows & knees:-

Necessary ingredients:-

  1. Banana
  2. Curd
  3. Baking Powder
  4. Coffee Powder
  5. Lemon Juice

How to make:-

First, take a banana, remove the skin and mash the pulp inside. Then add two tablespoons of curd with it. After that add quarter tablespoon of baking soda and one tablespoon of lemon juice to it and mix.  Add a table spoon of coffee powder to it and mix it all well now it is ready to apply. You can apply this remedy which I have also prepared on the dark areas.

You don’t need to use it on specific areas, you can use it on your face, you can rub it all over your body also. Then you can shower and wash. Do this regularly for two days in a week and you will feel visible changes in your skin. All the ingredients we have added in this will reduce your darkness and give me a good result.

Banana is the most important ingredient in this. Because it contains vitamin A which gives your skin lighten and brighten. It also acts as a good moisturizer and contains vitamin E, vitamin C, potassium, etc.. All these will moisturize your dry skin and turn it into glowing skin.

Remedy 3:-

Necessary ingredients:-

  1. Lemon
  2. Baking Soda

How to make:-

Take a lemon and cut it in half. If cut in half, put baking soda on the lemon. Then gently rub it in dark areas on the ankles, knees, elbows and neck areas. You can gently rub the areas with darkness for up to a minute. You can do this two days a week. Both lemon and baking soda have properties that can lighten your darkness on the certain areas.

Remedy 4:-

Necessary ingredients:-

  1. Oats Powder
  2. Curd
  3. Lemon Juice
  4. Soy Sauce

How to make:-

Oats are a commonly available product that you can buy and grind into powder. Take two table spoon of that powder. Then add enough curd to make a cream consistency. Mix a tablespoon of soy sauce with this. You may wonder if you can use soy sauce for skin. This soy sauce is high in kojic acid. We used to buy products with kojic acid and use them on my skin.

It would also have been expensive. This soy sauce is rich in kojic acid which lightens your skin and gives you a bright glow. If you have any hesitation about using soy sauce, you can buy a good brand of soy sauce that doesn’t have too many ingredients. In the final we have to mix it with any mixture containing vitamin C and for that we can add a tablespoon of lemon juice.

You can also use lemon peel powder or orange peel powder instead of lemon juice. Maybe you can skip this lemon peel powder orange peel powder orange juice if all these are not agreeable to your skin. Now mix all these well. Then apply this mixture on all parts to make it dark and massage well and clean it.

Use this two or three days a week and you will see good results after a while. To this we have added oat powder which will also act as a good scrubber for you. This oats powder will remove the dead skin from your body and give you a fresh new look to your skin. The added curd contains mild acids which lighten your skin.

Read more: Best Home Remedy for Acne and Pimple


When we do this elbows, knees, ankle, neck darkness removal process, always remember to use Sunscreen and Moisturizer.

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