Best Drinks for Skin Whitening and Brightening

Hi guys, Today what we are going to look at is best skin brightening and whitening drinks. These drinks will be very useful for you to maintain your face and body skin brighten and whiten. You must have used a lot of face pack and face products to brighten and whiten your skin without any glow drinks. But it is very difficult for you to increase the complexion in your skin brightening and whitening.

If you only apply the concentrate externally and take nothing in like these kind of skin brightening and whitening drinks. Let’s see how this skin brightening and whitening drink can easily make changes in your skin complexion at home.

Preparation for Skin Whitening and Brightening Drink:-

Today I have brought you a lot of skin brightening and whitening drinks, let’s see how you can do it easily. I will also tell you how you can make it cost-effectively with the things you have at home, which is very easy. Many of you want your skin to be the same tone from head to toe. So whatever you use for the body, use the same for the face, whatever you use for the face, use the same for the body.

You shouldn’t do that. Because the skin on the body and the skin on the face are not the same because there are a lot of changes. The skin on our face is very soft and sensitive. The skin on our body has a certain thickness. So if you do the same to your face, you will damage the skin on your face. If you want to give the same treatment to your body and face, you can do it only by taking intake.

So for that we have to bring our fruits and vegetables regularly. Some people may not like to eat it. So this skin brightening and whitening drink is for them. You can easily prepare it and consume it regularly. It will give you a big change in your skin.

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Skin Whitening and Brightening Drink 1:-

Necessary ingredients:-

  1. Cumin seed
  2. Anise seed

How to make:-

The ingredients you need to prepare this drink are cumin and anise seed. Also take a tumbler of water and add a tablespoon of anise and this cumin to it. Cover and leave it for half an hour. Then after half an hour you will see that all the powers of cumin and anise will have gone down into the water. You should never boil this water. If you boil it, all the energy in it will go away. Mix well once and then filter it.

Then you can add honey or lemon juice in this and definitely do not add sugar in it. You should drink this drink in the morning on an empty stomach. This drink may cause you some weight loss so those who are underweight can avoid this juice. Those of you who are a bit chubby and light weight can take this drink liberally as it brightens your skin and whiten as well as your skin.

It won’t takes a lot of time to prepare this drink. So you can easily prepare it and drink it. It will give you good benefits.

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Skin Whitening and Brightening Drink 2:-

Necessary ingredients:-

  1. Cardamom
  2. Anise seed

How to make:-

Now we are going to take two important ingredients for this drink which are super effective ingredients which are cardamom and aniseed.  For this cardamom we use food for a nice aroma. Not only for that, our forefathers told us to add a little bit of this cardamom to our body and use it for good health. To use this cardamom first crush it well. Then take as much water as you need. Put it on stove.

Add crushed cardamom and a tablespoon of aniseed to it. Now if you have added two tumblers of water, let it boil until it boils well and becomes one tumbler. Now this drink is ready and you can strain it and drink it. Why I am telling you to use these two ingredients is because they are rich in antioxidants, manganese, potassium, calcium, vitamin C, etc. It increases collagen production in your skin and makes your skin clear.

It helps to remove acne, pimple, blemish, pigmentation, on the skin. This anise will keep you evergreen beautiful. You drink this continuously for seven days and you can see the result yourself. This cardamom will chase away all kinds of toxins in your body. Ii will keep your skin healthy and glowing.

Skin Whitening and Brightening Drink 3:-

Necessary ingredients:-

  1. Anise seed
  2. Dry Grapes

How to make:-

These skin brightening and whitening ingredients are aniseed and dry grapes. Now place a vessel on the stove and take as much water as you need. To make this drink you should keep your stove on low flame. Because you don’t get all the nutrients in those ingredients if you keep them on high flame. This anise will help you lose weight in your body and clear the pimples on your face and keep your body glowing.

Add a tablespoon of aniseed and dry grapes to this water. These dry grapes will remove toxins from your body and keep your body glowing. Add a four to five of mint leaves to this if you like. This mint gives you a refreshing feeling when you drink it in the morning. So when you take this drink regularly, it will remove the toxins from your body. And remove the pimples and dark spots on your face and give you a beautiful glowing skin.

Drink this drink in the morning on an empty stomach at a moderate temperature. If not you can drink it at night before going to bed for best results in the morning.

Skin Whitening and Brightening Drink 4:-

Necessary ingredients:-

  1. Cardamom
  2. Anise Seed
  3. Panneer Rose (Dry or Fresh) (Indian Rose)
  4. Tulsi Leaves
  5. Mint Leaves

How to make:-

Take twice the amount of water you need to make this drink in a pot on the stove. Then you add to it all the increments I have given above. This tulsi helps to flush out the toxins from your skin i.e. it helps to remove the impurities from your skin. You can also add cumin to this if desired. This mint flushes out toxins from the body which is very helpful in getting rid of pimples on your skin.

You add this Paneer Rose only at the end and when the water boils, add it last. Let all these boil well. If you have added one tumbler of water, let it boil until it becomes half a tumbler. Then you can drink this water while it is warm. Drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.


Even if you use the face pack regularly and take this skin brightening and whitening drink regularly, you will get amazing results. You will feel that your body is free of toxins and your skin is glowing. It can be made very easily with household items with great results.

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