How to Turn White Hair to Black Naturally at Home

Hi guys, today we will see how we can turn our white hair in to black naturally without using any hair pack and how we can use it in the form of oil. In these hectic times some of you don’t have time to prepare hair pack and then apply it and then wait and wash. It would be even easier if we had it in the form of hair oil. It’s easy to use and easy to store, and ready to use. In this post, we will see how to prepare and store such a hair oil that turns white hair into black hair naturally at home.

Preparation of hair oil for how to turn white hair to black naturally at home:-

Whether you have white hair from childhood or not, you have a lot of white hair, it will turn it black for you naturally. It is a dye in the form of a hair oil. You don’t need a lot of ingredients to make this hair oil-like dye and it’s easy to make and store. You will get a good result only if you use this hair oil dye continuously. Those who don’t want to use it as a hair pack can make this simple hair oil in the form of a dye and use it get black hair naturally.

You couldn’t find a simpler best home remedy like this. When you use it regularly, your white hair will turn black naturally at home and if you have new growth of white hair, it will also turn it black from the root naturally and give you a good growth. If you ask if white hair will become darker and darker, it won’t happen, the shade of your white hair will change a little. You will also have a natural oil form dye that is safe for your hair.

Read more: Best Powerful Hair Growth Hair Pack

Necessary ingredients:-

  1. Black cumin
  2. Fenugreek seed
  3. coconut oil
  4. Mustard oil
  5. Amla powder
  6. Indico powder

How to make white hair turn to black hair oil at home naturally:-

To make this hair pack take required amount of black cumin seeds and four table spoons of fenugreek seeds and roast them both in a pan on low flame. You should not fry it too much, just fry it until it turns brown, you will see a nice smell when it turns brown. Both of these can prevent hair fall and help hair growth a lot. Then let it cool well and put it in a mixer jar. Once it’s cooled down grind it without adding water.

Grind both of these well and then you will see that it has a light moisture content because of the natural oil secretion in black cumin. What we have taken today to make this hair oil is our mustard oil and coconut oil. It keeps the moisture in the hair and makes the hair grow thicker and darker. It also keeps the hair healthy and shiny. When used together with coconut oil and mustard oil, it doubles the hair growth and density.

Take the bowl and add the mixer that we have already grinded. Add to this a natural product amla powder and indigo powder. These amla powder and indico powder are available in different online website. So you can choose a good natural product and buy from them. Take three table spoons of both of these equally and add it to that bowl and mix it. Then add the required amount of mustard oil and coconut oil.

 You all know this indigo powder can give a nice dark color to the hair. Now you are not going to make this oil boil, keep it in a sunny place for five days. When you leave it in the sun for these five days, you can see for yourself the color change of the hair oil. And all the nutrients of the products you have added will be added to the oil. Then filter it using a fine cloth to filter it. Because we have added various ingredients in powder form. Filter it with a cloth so that it does not become a dusty form. You can store a glass jar and use it.

How to use:

+Now take the required amount of this hair oil that you have prepared and apply it from the root of the head to the tip of the head. Hair oil can you use two days a week or even daily if you want to use it you can use it. You can apply this before going to sleep at night and do morning hair wash. You don’t need to use a hair pack when you are using this hair oil.

Once you have applied this hair oil well throughout the hair, give a gentle scalp massage. It can improve blood circulation in your scalp and stimulate growth.

Read more: Best Homemade Hair Pack for Extreme Hair Loss

white hair turn to black hair oil at home naturally-uses of black cumin

  • For this we will take black cumin to make this hair oil form hair dye.
  • Black cumin will keep your scalp moisturized and the amino acids in black cumin will act as a good moisturizer
  • Natural conditioner for you.
  • Black cumin is very black which makes your hair grow better.
  • Once you start using it, the amount of dandruff on your scalp will decrease.

Uses of fenugreek seed

  • What we know about this fenugreek is that it tightens the hair follicles and reduces the chances of hair fall.
  • Fenugreek has a lot of benefits and it ends up being very nourishing.
  • So whatever hair pack you make, adding fenugreek to it will give you great results.

Whatever hair oil you make, you should make it in such a way that only hair loss and hair growth can be prevented and the hair becomes black. This hair oil in the form of dye is very helpful for your hair growth and prevent graying as well as blackening your hair. When you use it regularly, you can see it yourself. For those who do not have time to use hair pack, you can prepare and use this hair oil and it will be easier for you.

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