Best Homemade Hair Pack for Extreme Hair Loss

fHi guys, today we are going to discuss how to control it for those who have extrema hair fall with homemade hair pack. No matter what you do, some people will lose hair, 100 to 200 hairs fall out a day, even if you put a comb on your head, you will still have hair fall. In this post, we will see how to control hair loss for people with extreme hair loss. Also let’s see how we can regrow our hair.

Preparation of hair pack:-

This hair pack will be a good solution for those who are upset that it fall even if you put your hand on your hair, hair falls even if you take a hair bath, and hair falls even if you comb your hair, whatever you do. So let’s see how to control hair loss quickly with simple ingredients for hair loss sufferers. Today let’s see how we can control our hair loss and make hair grow long. For that we are going to take only the kitchen ingredients we have at home.

Read more: Best hair pack and oil for hair fall

Necessary ingredients:-

  1. Coconut milk
  2. Fenugreek seed
  3. Egg white

How to make this hair pack:-

For that, the first item that I have taken for me is coconut. This coconut contains a lot of nutrients that protect your hair well and help in hair growth. When you add coconut milk to your hair, your hair will grow very long and your hair will be shiny. Maybe if you find you hair thickness too low then you can use coconut milk regularly which will give you good results.

Then cut the coconut into small pieces and put it in the mixer jar and add required amount of water and grind it well. Then strain it well and now your desired coconut milk is ready. Importantly, when grinding this coconut oil, you should not add too much water and make it too liquid. Make sure the coconut milk consistency is a bit thicker. The important ingredient that we are going to add in this is fenugreek.

This fenugreek seed will give you a good hair growth by keeping our hair follicles thick. Also some people have problem of hair loss due to the presence of dandruff which clears the dandruff on our head and it can be cleared by this fenugreek. You take this fenugreek the night before and take the required amount according to the length of your hair and soak it well for a whole night.

 Then add this fenugreek along with its water in a mixer jar. Then add coconut milk little by little and grind it. Because while grinding the fenugreek seeds it turns into a thick consistency. So you add coconut milk little by little and grind it. After grinding it well, put it on a cloth or a filter and filter it well. Then we can add an egg white to this mixture that we have prepared and kept. Why we don’t add egg yellow yolk because if we add yellow yolk it will smell more. After add this egg white in mixture and mix everything well.

Read more: How to Get Silky Smooth Straight Hair at Home

How to apply this hair pack:-

You can apply oil on your scalp before applying this hair if you prefer. Otherwise you can apply anyway. Part your hair on both sides and comb it well. Then apply this hair pack from the scalp to the ends of your hair. It is very easy to apply this hair pack on your hair and it is very smooth paste texture. When you apply this hair pack on your head you will feel a cooling effect. After applying, tie your hair in a bun and leave it for an hour.

Then you can wash it yourself. You don’t need to shampoo and wash it. If you do this twice a week or even once a week, you will notice less hair fall and healthier hair. You don’t need to apply conditioner after using this hair pack, so skip it. Maybe you are in the habit of using conditioner, so if you want to use it, below I add some natural conditioner tips that you need. Don’t worry that the tip I’m about to give is very easy and not requires a lot things.

Instant home made hair conditioner:-

Necessary ingredients:-

  1. Aloe vera gel – 1 tbsp
  2. vitamin E capsule
  3. Your daily hair oil
  4. Required amount of water

How to make :-

First take a tumbler of water as needed for your hair. Then mix aloe vera gel in it maybe if you have natural plant aloe vera you can also use that jelly if not use the gel containing the herbal products. After add two to three drops of vitamin E oil in it i.e. add the oil that contains the vitamin E capsule. Then add three to four drops of whatever oil you use daily on your hair. Then mix all these well.

All these are according to the length of your hair and this is what I have taken for normal length hair. Take as much as you need for the length of your hair. Keep your head in a towel-raised position after you shower and that condition can you apply this natural conditioner.

How to apply:-

Take prepared natural hair conditioner you have mixed and apply evenly from top to bottom of your scalp. You can take the ends of your hair and apply the mixer as a dip.

People with sinus, cold should not stay for long time with wet head. So dry your head quickly. For others, after you’ve done this, put a small bun and leave it on for ten to fifteen minutes, then towel dry your hair thoroughly. After drying well you can feel the smoothness in your ends and will keep you healthy. Because all the ingredients we use in it are natural and there is no harmful ingredients in it.

In this way, you can use everything that is needed for hair at home. Make this natural homemade moisturizer hair pack and hair conditioner and reap the benefits. This coconut milk improves the blood flow in the scalp and it also helps in maintaining the hair on your head. It gives good nourishment to your hair. Hope you get smooth, silky, shiny, and bouncy hair by using this homemade hair smoothing hair pack.

Read more: Best Hair Pack for Hair Thickness and Growth

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